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Spirituality of the Cuban Association

The Cuban Association remains true to the inspiring principles that unite all members of the Order of Malta: testifying and defending the faith and providing service to the suffering.  Its members share the same vocation and strive together for solidarity, justice and peace.

Spirituality of the Cuban Association

The Cuban Association remains true to the inspiring principles that unite all members of the Order of Malta: testifying and defending the faith and providing service to the suffering.  Its members share the same vocation and strive together for solidarity, justice and peace.


For many years, our Association enjoyed and benefited from the spiritual direction of Msgr. Agustín Román+ (shown in accompanying photo), one of the retired auxiliary bishops of the Archdiocese of Miami, who became the first Cuban ever to be appointed Bishop in the United States and was responsible in 1986 for bringing about a peaceful resolution to prison uprisings in Atlanta, GA, and Oakdale, CA.

After Roman’s death in April 2012, Msgr. Thomas G. Wenski, Archbishop of Miami, became Head Chaplain of our Association in August of that year. Assisting him have been Msgr. Jose Estevez, retired Bishop of St. Augustine, Fr. Fernando Hería, Fr. Richard Vigoa and Fr. Manny Alvarez (in Miami), and Fr. Troadio Hernandez (in Cuba). Sadly, two prior chaplains, Msgr. Tomás Marín and Msgr. Alfredo Petit-Vergel have passed on to the Lord.

Since the Cuban revolution, there had been no active clergy in Cuba until 2004, when Msgr. Alfredo Petit-Vergel, Auxiliary Bishop of Havana, was named Conventual Chaplain Ad Honorem. 


As with all Catholics, the celebration of the Holy Mass is the center of the spiritual life of the Association. Accordingly, the Association celebrates the liturgy throughout the year but especially on the First Friday of each month, when it celebrates and adores, as a group, the Eucharist.  Mass takes place at 12 pm at St. Hugh Church in Coconut Grove in the parish’s small chapel.

Masses are typically celebrated by one of our chaplains, or by a visiting priest (sometimes from Cuba), and are open to family and friends of the Order. We pray for special intentions for the Order and its members, and recite the Prayer of the Order.

As is customary, several the attendees will join each other for lunch following Mass to continue the fellowship.  We look forward to seeing you at one of our First Friday celebrations!

For directions to St. Hugh, please see: https://sthughmiami.org/


The Cuban Association meets on the fourth Wednesday of each month (except in July, August and December) for a “Noche de Espiritualidad,” where we reflect on our religion, listen to a talk from one of our chaplains, and generally have a chance to discuss our overall Spirituality (Espiritualidad is Spanish for Spirituality).

For more information on Spirituality Night,  email spirituality@foundationorderofmalta.org

For directions to St. Augustine, please see: https://staugustinechurch.org

Online rosaries

In 2020, faced with the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, the members of The Cuban Association in Obedience decided that our group should pray more fervently for an end to the crisis. Thus, the “Online Rosary” was created. Even though the pandemic has passed, the online rosary continues.

Each Tuesday, one member of the “Second Class” of the Cuban Association leads the rest of the attendees through the recitation of the msyteries of the Most Holy Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary. As we have scheduled the Rosary on a Tuesday, the meditation for the Rosary are the Sorrowful Mysteries.

We invite you to join us to pray the Rosary on Tuesdays at 7:30pm. Meeting ID: 87126797514 / Passcode: 608891

For more information, please email spirituality@foundationorderofmalta.org

Join Online Rosary

Annual retreat / RETIRO ANNUAL

As part of the commitment to the Order of Malta, we are encouraged to complete a spiritual Retreat once a year.  It is essential to connecting with, and learning more about, our faith on a regular basis.

The Cuban Association offers its members an opportunity to do so by conducting a multi-day retreat (5 evenings/6 days for members in Obedience and 3 evenings/4 days for others) at a leading retreat center in the South Florida area.

During that time, members can set aside time to be in quiet, rest and solitude with God. For generations, individuals have gone on spiritual retreats to encounter God and experience spiritual renewal.

Through the Chaplains of the Order, and its members, one can complete a productive retreat – activities include Laudes (morning prayers); Guided Reflections; Vespers; Reconciliation; a daily Mass; and the Rosary. When not in session, retreatants can spend quiet time reflecting or meditating, as well as on Eucharistic Adoration.

The Annual Retreat is a great complement to the monthly spirituality activities (e.g., First Friday Mass, Spirituality Night, weekly Rosary) and our members grow in their faith through this beautiful encounter.

There is a charge for attending the retreat, which covers the costs of room and meals, as well as the collateral materials provided.

For more information on the Annual Retreat, including cost and scheduling/timing, please check back to this site and/or email spirituality@foundationorderofmalta.org


Morning DAYS OF reflection

Twice a year, the Catholic Church provides us an opportunity to celebrate two special periods of preparation: Lent and Advent.

So that we may be further nourished in our own preparation for the coming of Easter and Christmas, the Cuban Association, through its spirituality group, offers its members and friends an opportunity to step back and reflect on these important celebrations.

In February/March (for Lent) and December (for Advent), we gather together for a morning, where we hear a number of talks and meditations; avail ourselves of the Sacrament of Reconciliation; and also celebrate the Eucharist as a community.

The morning of reflection is a great opportunity for the Cuban Association to step back, disconnect from the day-to-day pressures, and listen to the importance of these holidays to our faith.

For more information on each of these events, including location and time, please check back to this site and/or email spirituality@foundationorderofmalta.org

special events

Throughout the course of the year, the Cuban Association stages several special events that complement our Spirituality activities.  Typically, each one of these events marks a solemn celebration in the Order’s, or the Association’s, history.

These activities include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • World Day of the Sick (in February) – The mass is celebrated on the Sunday closest to the Feast day of Our Lady of Lourdes at St. Hugh Catholic Church, an awareness day  that was instituted by St. Pope John Paul II. During this Mass, we gather to pray for the sick and those afflicted by ailments.
  • Mass of St. John the Baptist – Commemorating the Order of Malta’s founder, we gather each year on the Saturday closest to this feast day for a beautiful mass. Following the mass, we have the Association’s Capitulo General (Chapter General, or annual meeting), where the Board reviews the activities of the prior year.
  • Our Lady of Charity of CobreSeptember 8 is the Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. In Cuba, this feast day also recognizes the sighting by three fishermen in Cuba of a statue of the Virgin Mary in the bay of the town of Cobre. Concelebrated by our Head Chaplain, Archbishop Thomas Wenski, this Mass is a major celebration where our members lead the procession of the Virgin to the Mass.
  • Investiture MassA special celebration whereby the Order welcomes its newest members. The Mass includes the vows, or promises to the Order and its two Charisms: “Obsequium Pauperum” and “Tuitio Fidei”.

One of the distinctive marks of these special events, especially at Mass, is that the Order’s members will wear their “Habito” as vestments.  The “Habito” is the Church robe or cloak of a Knight or Dame, and is complemented by a “Scapular,” which is meant to remind a member of their pledge to the Order.

For more information on our Special Events, email spirituality@foundationorderofmalta.org.


Interested in learning more about getting involved with the Cuban Association of the Order of Malta? Complete the form below and someone from our governing body will be in contact with you.

Order of Malta

Cuban Association

d/b/a Foundation Order of Malta, Inc.

2655 S. Lejeune Road

Suite 918

Coral Gables, FL 33134

Phone: (786) 888-6494
