October 19, 2024 at 7PM
Trump National Doral
The Cuban Association of the Order of Malta has instituted the Tuitio Fidei Prize in 2006 to recognize and honor those who through their public actions witness the principles of our Faith. The recipients of the Prize live their life, public and private, consistent with the demands of our Faith notwithstanding the public demand for their actions.
Since its inception in the XIth century, the Order has remained true to its dual founding principles or charisma: Tuitio Fidei, defense of the Faith, and Obsequium Pauperum, service to the suffering. Its members share the same vocation and strive together for solidarity, justice and peace, based on the teaching of the Gospels and in the closest communion with the Holy See.
Less visible today, but no less important, is the commitment of the Order and its members to defense of the Faith – Tuitio Fidei. In the middle ages, when the Order was born, defense of the faith was a very physical and visible task.
With the passage of time, however, the concept of “defense of the faith” has evolved from one requiring the use of force to a one best effected through a public witnessing of one’s faith – a process no less dangerous than the military tactics used before.

Raymond Rodriguez-Torres
Recipient of the 2023 Osequium Pauperum Award is Raymond Rodriguez-Torres.

Mr. John Garvey
Recipient of the 2019 Tuitio Fidei Award is Mr. John Garvey, President of Catholic University.

Mrs. Jeanne Mancini
Recipient of the 2018 Tuitio Fidei Award is Mrs. Jeanne Mancini, President of The March for Life Education and Defense Fund.

Christine de Marcellus de Vollmer
Recipient of the 2017 Tuitio Fidei Award is Mrs. Christine de Marcellus de Vollmer.

Reverend William E. Lori
Archbishop of Baltimore
Recipient of the 2016 Tuitio Fidei Award is Reverend William E. Lori, Archbishop of Baltimore.

Lillian Fanjul de Azqueta
Recipient of the 2015 Tuitio Fidei Award is Lillian Fanjul De Azqueta, DM.

H.E. Chibly Cardinal Langlois
Recipient of the 2014 Tuitio Fidei Award is H.E. Chibly Cardinal Langlois.

Johnnette S. Bebkovic
Founder And President of Living His Life Abundantly International Inc.
Recipient of the 2013 Tuitio Fidei Award is Johnnette S. Benkovic Founder and President of Living His Life Abundantly International, Inc.

Oscar Andrés Cardinal Rodriguez Maradiaga
Archbishop of Tegucigalpa
Recipient of the 2012 Tuitio Fidei award is his eminence Oscar Andres Cardinal Rodriguez Maradiaga, Archbishop of Tegucigalpa.

Mr. George Weigel
Senior Fellow of the Ethics and Public Policy Center in Washington
In 2011, the Award went to Mr. George Weigel, Distinguished Senior Fellow of the Ethics and Public Policy Center in Washington, D. C. and Biographer of Pope John Paul II.

Mons. Thomas G. Wenski
Archbishop of Miami
In 2010 the honored awardee was given to Mons. Thomas G. Wenski, Archbishop of Miami, and Conventual Chaplain ad honorem of the Cuban Association. Currently, he is our Chief Chaplain.

Mr. James Towey
President of St. Vincent College
In 2009, the awardee was Mr. James Towey, a native of South Florida and President of St. Vincent College.

Mr. Thomas Stephen Monahan
Founder and Chancellor of Ave Maria University
In 2008, the Award was given to Mr. Thomas Stephen Monahan, Founder and Chancellor of Ave Maria University, in Naples, Florida, and Chairman of the Board of Ave Maria Foundation.

Seán Patrick Cardinal O'Malley
Cardinal-Archbishop of Boston
In 2007, the recipient was His Eminence Seán Patrick Cardinal O’Malley, OFM Cap, Cardinal-Archbishop of Boston, and conventual chaplain ad honorem of the Order of Malta in the American Association.

Melquiades Rafael Martinez
Former United States Senator from Florida
The recipient of the Award in 2006 was the Mr. Melquiades Rafael Martinez, former United States Senator from Florida, Knight of Magistral Grace of the Cuban Association.
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